Sunday, July 22, 2012

Hiatus update

I'm happy to announce that Eileen and I had our first baby, Neil, on May 9th. It has been quite a change in our lives, but luckily we've had support from both our families, who have helped take care of him so we can have some free time and get some rest.

With Neil's arrival in the world comes a new slate of responsibilities for us as parents. As such, I have been significantly decreasing my whisky (and other alcohol) consumption. I'm also moving into a new position at work that may require me to be on call for extended periods of time, so I will likely need to remain sharp around the clock.

This is not the end of my whisky drinking, as far as I can help it, but it is a change in my lifestyle that will likely manifest itself as a lowered frequency of posts on this blog for the foreseeable future. You're still welcome to contact me with questions or for recommendations: whiskeytastings [at]
